Apr 24, 2020
Apr 23, 2020
RICH CELENZA sits down with a life long friend MIKE MANGO as they discuss the transformation Mike made when he went from being 293 pounds all the way down to185!!! Mike is now going full throttle and preparing to compete!
Rich and Mike both grew up loving to eat, especially Italian Food. But Mike decided to change both...
Apr 22, 2020
RICH CELENZA sits down with an old friend named Patrick Lambke (The Black Knight) who is known as a World Renowned Full-contact Heavy Armor Champion of the Tournament Joust. His goal is to one day make Jousting an Olympic Sport. Patrick has been featured on the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and the HISTORY CHANNELl! He is also...
Apr 21, 2020
RICH CELENZA sits down with Chris Prado, a Wellprenuer who has dedicated his life to help people lead healthy and pain-free lives through nutrition, bodywork, fitness and self care modalities through Block Therapy. Chris explains what he has gone through dealing with his own health issues and set backs and what he...
Apr 20, 2020
RICH CELENZA sets up an interview (first one ever publicly) with an old dear friend and mentor of his, Mordecai Williams Jr., the founder and president of Strong Arm Sports. (https://www.strongarmsports.com.) Strong Arm Sports is an international clothing line that started back in 1999 and has been featured in Sports...