Jun 29, 2019
RICH CELENZA talks bout in his past he never really looked forward to doing things the way everyone else did. Rich usually looked at doing something new in the future that would end up being a hassle. Just more problems and expenses.
But as Rich got older he started realizing that new adventures and new endeavors...
Jun 26, 2019
RICH CELENZA and RIA LOEKS talk about what life is like living in in the city of Orlando and being surrounded by locals and tourist who obsessed with Disney!!
The Disney brand has become one of the most iconic brands in the entire world and for some people it is more than just looked at as entertainment but an...
Jun 25, 2019
RICH CELENZA and RIA LOEKS talk about what life is like living in in the city of Orlando and being surrounded by locals and tourist who obsessed with Disney!!
The Disney brand has become one of the most iconic brands in the entire world and for some people it is more than just looked at as entertainment but an...
Jun 24, 2019
RICH CELENZA talks about how he thinks people don't realize how much people resemble their parents. That goes for their actions and beliefs!!! People need to realize one of the biggest gifts they have been in their life are their parents. As people get older a lot of people start disrespecting their parents instead...
Jun 22, 2019
RICH CELENZA talks about he ended up becoming close friends with an extremely brilliant guy who has a PhD in Psychological. Rich learned so much from him regarding his behavior and realized that the way he was treating himself and others was not good.
People sometimes need to take a long hard look at the way they were...