Mar 31, 2019
RICH CELENZA’S Guest for this Podcast is his girlfriend, RIA LOEKS, and about how a lot of people may not live where they feel they belong or where they truly want to be.
Rich and Ria have both lived in numerous places throughout North America. Rich and Ria also discuss visiting all the major states, cities and...
Mar 30, 2019
RICH CELENZA wants people to take a hard look at the way they were programmed from a child all the way up to adulthood. Like most most people most of our beliefs come from our upbringing and that's where we learn our values.
But a lot of us also take on a lot baggage and nonsense that was also taught to us, and we need...
Mar 29, 2019
RICH CELENZA wants people (especially men) to stop acting like pussies when it comes to expressing their opinions. Stop complaining and stop believing everyone else’s bullshit! If you close you eyes and cancel out all the negativity on the news and social media, I think you may start to see these are actually the good...
Mar 28, 2019
RICH CELENZA discusses how when in the process or creating and developing something they need to stay focused and train themselves to keep an open mind.
When creating things people need to understand that there is going to be a lot of other components that are also going to need to come together to get it accomplished....
Mar 27, 2019
RICH CELENZA wants to warn people and tell them that a lot of people that they may got to church with, may not always be who they claim to be. Going to church can be a wonderful thing, but a lot of people need to smarten up and not allow people that they go to church with take advantage of them.
A lot off people who...